We Represent The Insured Only


Frequently Asked Questions

What does Suncoast do for insureds?2018-10-26T11:33:33-07:00

After engaging us, you can direct your insurance company representatives to contact us regarding your claim. You should not have to deal with the carrier any longer as we will represent your claim going forward.

We inspect and measure your loss, review your policy, confirm the date and type of loss, and claim appropriate loss amounts based on a thorough site inspection. We advocate on your behalf until the claim settles, even if that means attending Mediations, Depositions, or testifying in Litigation.

We review your insurance company’s correspondence and damage estimate.

We review your policy, declaration page, and all the fine print that came with it to determine the full extent of coverage under the policy.

Please note that it must be the policy that was in place on the date of loss.

We review your contractor estimates, invoices, and receipts and use these facts to ensure accuracy in our estimates. We complete our own estimate of the damages including a site inspection, measurement, count, photographs, materials costing, labor costing, and other best-practices in loss estimation.

For unique claims, we can recommend retention of appropriate outside eperts from our network of subject-matter specialists, such as engineers, architects, meteorologists, general contractors, electricians, and other specialty trades.

We submit a claim for damages on your behalf, including our estimate of damages and repair costs, photographs, and correspondence with the carrier regarding what is covered by your policy. We demand settlement from your carrier, and negotiate on your behalf throughour the settlement process.

We provide updates on your claim status throughout the process.

We represent the policyholder only.

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